Electric Light or Power Co. – All Employees & Drivers


Includes store employees.


Code 7539 applies to employers engaged in operations of electric light or power companies.  This classification applies to all employees such as pay loaders and crane operators, control room employees, utility line maintenance and repair workers are also included in the scope of this classification.  Employers may employ field engineers to maintain and erect utility poles, trim tree limbs for right of ways, stringing of electrical cables, excavating and laying down of underground cables, installation and repair of electric power hardware such as circuit breakers and transformers.

Assignment By Analogy

• Atomic energy power stations operation
• Steam heating or power company        
• Traffic signal light installation and maintenance by electric light or power company

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Clearing right of ways, erecting poles or towers – with or without lines by contractors.  Refer to Code 7538 “Electric Light or Power Line Construction – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

Electric Light or Power Line Construction – All Operations to Completion & Drivers


Code 7538 is not available for division of payroll with Code 7539 “Electric Light or Power Co. – All Employees & Drivers.”


Code 7538 applies to employers engaged in electric light or power line construction.  This classification contemplates all work normal and incidental to the construction of electric light or power lines when undertaken by a contractor at a particular job or location.  This classification includes the setting of poles or towers including the excavation and concrete work incidental to such tower work, the overhead stringing of high-tension wires or cables and the installation of circuit breakers and transformers on poles or towers.  This classification is applicable to these operations whether the operations are performed by separate crews at separate time intervals or by single crews that engage in all aspects of electric light or power line construction operations.

In the event an employer contracts to erect electric light or power lines at a job or location and sublets a portion of the work, the employer is considered to be in the electric light or power line construction business.  This classification is applicable to any work performed in connection with electric light or power line construction operations performed by the contractor at the job or location.

In the event that a contractor engages in overhead and below ground cable or line installation, and the underground cable is laid manually, this classification is applicable to both operations.  The clearing of rights-of-way by contractors who also engage in electric light or power line construction is inclusive under this classification.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Contractors engaged in cable installation, overhead, street line or underground manually exclusively – not in connection with electric light or power line construction.  Refer to Code 7601 “Telephone, Telegraph or Fire Alarm Line Construction – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  2. Electric light or power company.  Refer to Code 7539 “Electric Light or Power Co. – All Employees & Drivers.”

Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – All Other Operations


Code 3191 and Code 3190 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – Assembly & Finishing” are basically companion classification codes and are only to be assigned to the same employer if an employer is performing both operations.

Code 3190 cannot be assigned if the employer is engaged in fabricating only the parts for electric lighting fixtures, lanterns or lamps and does not assemble these parts into completed electrical fixtures, lanterns or lamps. 


Code 3191 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing electric lighting fixtures, lamps or lantern parts that are used in Code 3190 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – Assembly & Finishing” operations.  Manufacturing operations include stamping, forming, shaping, casting, spinning, machining, etc. of the raw materials used which may include metal, plastic, wood, glass, marble, plaster or other materials.

Assignment By Analogy

• Floodlights or searchlights parts – free standing or wall mounted type – by shops that also engage in assembly operations
• Gas lighting fixtures, lanterns or lamps parts – by shops that also engage in assembly operations   
• Lamps including table or floor – lanterns parts – by shops that also engage in assembly operations

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Aluminum parts manufacturing.  Refer to Code 3227 “Aluminum Ware Mfg.”

  2. Hand decorating and firing of lamp bases.  Refer to Code 4352 “Engraving.”

Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – Assembly & Finishing


Code 3190 and Code 3191 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – All Other Operations” are basically companion classifications and are only to be assigned to the same employee if an employer is performing both operations.  However, Code 3190 can also be assigned without Code 3191 if the employer receives or purchases electric lighting fixture, lantern or lamp parts from others and assembles the parts into completed electric  fixtures, lanterns or lamps.


Code 3190 applies to employers engaged in assembling electric lighting fixtures, lamps or lanterns from parts manufactured by others.  This classification does not include manufacturing electric lighting fixtures, lamps or lantern parts.  However, if the employer also manufactures the parts in addition to assembly operations, Code 3191 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – All Other Operations” shall also apply.  
The lamp, lantern or lighting fixture parts such as metal housings, sockets, covers, ballasts, circuit boards, switches, lamp bases, glass parts, chandelier parts, plugs, wiring or other electrical parts are assembled with screws, locknuts, washers or may be welded or soldered together depending on the type of process and type of electric lighting fixture that is being assembled.   
This classification includes finishing operations such as plastering, polishing, painting or lacquering.

Assignment By Analogy

• Gas lighting fixtures, lanterns or lamps   
• Lamps including table or floor – lanterns   

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Hand decorating and firing of lamp bases.  Refer to Code 4352 “Engraving.”

Electric Power or Transmission Equipment Mfg.


Code 3643 and Code 3179 “Electrical Apparatus Mfg. – NOC” shall not be assigned to the same employer unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses.


Code 3643 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing or repairing motors over 1hp, electric industrial generators, converters, transformers, switchboards, circuit breakers, switches or switchboard apparatus or incidental equipment on the premises of the employer.  The employer may receive specifications from their customer’s and will fabricate in accordance to such specifications given by their customers.  Raw materials such as steel and copper sheets, terminal collectors, solder, copper wire, lacquer, varnish and spray paint are purchased from outside suppliers.  Sheet steel is cut to size, stamped, punched and trimmed.  For transformers, copper wire is used for winding around the core to produce the transformer coil.  The transformer coil is dipped in varnish or may be sprayed and then baked.  The components are then assembled to the frame and connections are soldered.  Finishing processes may include spray painting, testing and, inspecting.  The finished manufactured products are packed and shipped to the employer’s customers.

Assignment By Analogy

Sewing machine motors – for commercial machines

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Circuit breakers, fans, switches and transformers – (bell type) manufacturing.  Refer to Code 3179 “Electrical Apparatus Mfg. – NOC.” 

Electrical Apparatus Mfg. – NOC


Includes electrical fixtures or appliances.  Code 3179 and Code 3643 “Electric Power or Transmission Equipment Mfg.” shall not be assigned to the same employer unless operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses.   


Code 3179 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing wired electrical products, appliances, fixtures, electrical hardware, floor cleaning equipment, portable hand tools and electrical parts that are not described by more specific classifications.

The basic operations of this classification involve the manufacturing and assembly of motors, casings and other metal parts required for these products.  This classification includes the incidental manufacturing of plastic components but does not include the manufacturing of porcelain parts. This classification also applies to assembling products from such components manufactured by other concerns.

Some specific types of products that fall within the scope of this classification are household electrical appliances such as barbeque grills, blenders, broilers, can openers, coffee brewers or grinders, deep fryers, food or meat grinders, garbage compactors, microwaves, toasters, convection ovens, household sewing machines and floor cleaning equipment.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Manufacturing:
    1. Electric table and floor lamps or lighting fixtures.  Refer to Code 3190 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – Assembly & Finishing” and Code 3191 “Electric Lighting Fixture, Lantern or Lamp Mfg. – All Other Operations.”
    2. Electrical apparatus or equipment of the industrial type for the generation or transmission of electrical energy such as motors (over 1 H. P.), generators, transformers, switchboards, circuit breakers and converters.  Refer to Code 3643 “Electric Power or Transmission Equipment Mfg.”
    3. Office machines, such as dictating machines, calculators, adding machines, computers and data processing machines.  Refer to Code 3574 “Office, Computing or Recording Machine Mfg. – NOC.”
    4. Television sets, audio equipment, communication equipment and their components.  Refer to Code 3681 “Television, Radio, Telephone or Telecommunication Device Mfg. – NOC.”
    5. Sewing machines – commercial. Refer to Code 3632 “Machine Shop – NOC.”
    6. Sewing machine attachments only. Refer to Code 3113 “Tool Mfg. – NOC – Not Drop or Machine Forged.”
  2. Repair of household sewing machines. Refer to Code 9519 “Household Appliances – Electrical – Installation, Service or Repair & Drivers.”

Electrical Wiring – Within Buildings – All Operations to Completion & Drivers


Includes installation or repair of fixtures or appliances.


Code 5190 applies to employers engaged in installing of electrical wiring systems within buildings.  Wiring may be hung on insulators or encased in flexible or rigid conduits, armored cable, etc.  This classification also applies to the installation of small electrical fixtures such as plugs, fuses or snap switches.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Installation of electrical machinery or auxiliary apparatus.  Refer to Code 3724 “Machinery or Equipment Erection or Installation – NOC – All Operations to Completion & Drivers."



Shall not be assigned to an employer engaged in operations described by another classification unless the operations subject to Code 3372 are conducted as a separate and distinct business.   Includes incidental manufacturing of tin or tin compounds.   


Code 3372 applies to employers engaged in processing placing a metallic coat on metals using electrolysis.  Nickel, copper, tin, gold, and chromium are used to coat the metals.  The metal to be plated is dipped into a tank which contains the proper mixture solution.  Then an electrical charge is passed through this solution, thus creating a coating on the metal.

This classification also contemplates chemical milling where metal articles are immersed in tanks containing a caustic alkali solution without the use of an electrical charge.  This places a protective coating on the metal.  

This classification also applies to employers engaged in recovering or reclaiming tin from tin plate scrap.  The types of detinning methods are by chemical process, chlorinating, electrolysis, galvanizing or tinning – not by electrolytic process and electrolysis.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Annealing and tinning wire by employers engaged in wire drawing.  Refer to Code 1924 “Wire Drawing or Cable Mfg. – Not Iron or Steel” and Code 3241 “Wire Drawing – Iron or Steel.”

Elevator Erection or Repair – All Operations to Completion



Code 5160 applies to employers engaged in installation, service and repair of elevators and escalators.  Employers may also install electrical equipment and cabling connected to the elevator installation operations.  An outside rigger is used to place the elevator in the existing shaft.  New cables are attached to the pulley wheels and the motor is connected to the power source.  After the installation is completed, the elevator is tested and adjusted for safe and proper operation.
This classification also contemplates the service and repair of elevators and escalators.  Cables and motors are cleaned and lubricated, and any malfunctioning parts are replaced.  After repair, the elevator is tested for proper and safe operation.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Cleaning of elevator shafts.  Refer to Code 5474 “Painting or Decorating – NOC – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  2. Inspection of elevators or escalators.  Refer to Code 8731 “Boiler Inspection.”

  3. Manufacturing of elevators or escalators.  Refer to Code 3042 “Elevator or Escalator Mfg.”


Elevator or Escalator Mfg.



Code 3042 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing passenger elevators, escalators, freight or construction elevators, moveable passenger walkways, and industrial elevator lifts.  In addition, this classification also includes manufacturing of parts used for repairing or modernizing existing elevators as well as manufacturing escalator treads and drives.   

In the shop, materials such as sheet steel, cast iron and sheet aluminum are cut to size according to specifications.  There may be some foundry work performed to prepare parts for subsequent machining.  The machinery or equipment used in the manufacturing process may consist of punch presses, boring mills, grinders, drill presses, shears, welding equipment, saws, planers, coil winders, foundry equipment and spray-painting equipment.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Manufacturing:
    1. Automobile repair shop lift.  Refer to Code 3612 “Pump Mfg.”
    2. Conveyor machinery such as those used by supermarkets, warehouses and other businesses that are used to transport merchandise from one point to another.  Refer to Code 3632 “Machine Shop – NOC.”    
  2. Grain elevator operations.  Refer to Code 8102 “Seed Merchant.”

  3. Inspecting freight or passenger elevators, escalators or industrial elevator lifts.  Refer to Code 8731 “Boiler Inspection.”  




Code 2388 applies to employers engaged in embroidering textile fabrics. 

Embroidery backings such as cloth, paper and silk, wool, cotton, rayon, nylon or other synthetic yarns are received from outside sources.  Patterns may be punched on paper or created on computer-driven embroidery machinery from which designs are stitched into cloth.  The cloth is removed, and designs may be cut out.
Embroidery by hand consisting of hand knitting or crocheting of wearing apparel, household furnishings or trimmings is also contemplated by this classification. 

Additional operations contemplated by this classification: Nailhead Ornamentation – attaching of nailheads or similar articles to textile fabrics by means of foot presses, pleating and stitching or tucking – women’s dress fabrics or trimmings – not clothing manufacturing, trimming or ribbons – hand sewing on finished garments, and manufacturing lace fabrics.

Assignment By Analogy

Badges – embroidered

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Manufacturing:
    1. Badges or cloth emblems. Refer to Code 2553 “Furnishing Goods Mfg. – NOC – From Textile Fabrics.”
    2. Knitted wearing apparel by an employer that does not knit the piece goods material. Refer to Code 2501 “Clothing Mfg.”
    3. Nailheads – metal ornaments – by automatic stamping process. Refer to Code 3129 “Buckle or Button Mfg. – Metal.”
    4. Sequins. Refer to Code 3270 “Fastener Mfg. – Metal.”
  2. Textile, thread or lace dyeing and finishing performed by a specialty contractor. Refer to Code 2413 “Textile – Bleaching, Dyeing, Mercerizing, Finishing.”
  3. Knitting by machine.  Refer to Code 2362 “Knit Goods Mfg. – NOC.”

  4. Covering metal buttons with fabric by machine.  Refer to Code 4475 “Plastics Mfg. – Molded Products – NOC.”

Emery Works & Drivers



Code 1747 applies to employers engaged in grinding or crushing emery, talc or other minerals that have no more than 5% free silica content, to a fine powder.  The term “free silica” for the purpose of this interpretation means pure silica or contains more than 5% pure silica content.

Bulk minerals are first crushed into chunks, then pulverized into a fine powder using roll mills and conveyor type equipment.  The powder is screened to size and may be washed to remove any impurities and then dried.

This classification is also assigned to the cleaning of castings to remove burrs by a tumbling method using sawdust, corncob or steel shot, but not by sandblasting.  Castings to be cleaned are placed in drums with sawdust, corncob or steel shot and tumbled until rough edges are removed.  This cleaning is assigned to this classification when performed as a service for customers, but not when cleaning is done by casting manufacturers.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Sandblasting exterior building walls.  Refer to Code 9025 “Cleaning Outside Surfaces of Buildings & Drivers.”      

  2. Abrasive wheel manufacturing.  Refer to Code 1748 “Abrasive Wheel Mfg. & Drivers.”

  3. Gluing abrasives to purchased paper or cloth to make sandpaper type products.  Refer to Code 1860 “Abrasive Paper or Cloth Preparation.”

  4. Grinding of silica or other materials that contain more than 5% free silica, to a fine powder.  Refer to Code 1741 “Flint or Spar Grinding & Drivers.”

Engineer or Architect Consulting


This classification is not applicable when engaged in actual construction.  Shall not be assigned to an employer engaged in operations described by another classification unless the operations subject to Code 8601 are conducted as a separate and distinct business.

Includes lease buyers who, as any part of their duty, perform work like that undertaken by oil or gas geologists or scouts.


Code 8601 applies to employers engaged in the architectural or engineering profession as a separate and distinct business.  Operations conducted by these firms usually include consultations with clients, research on behalf of clients, site inspections, and the compilation of information to enable these firms to make recommendations to their clients.  These recommendations may be in the form of written or electronic media and include plans, maps, charts, and specifications.  This classification includes, but is not limited to, the following type of engineering firms: mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, mining, metallurgical, marine, and industrial.

Assignment By Analogy

• Archaeologists
• Architectural consultants include visit to job sites
• Instrument logging, mapping or survey work – land – wells 
• Surveyor

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Engineers employed by manufacturing companies.  Assign the appropriate manufacturing classification.

  2. Geophysical exploration – seismic.  Refer to Code 5508 “Excavation – Rock – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  3. Employers that perform actual construction, erection or installation operations.  Assign the appropriate construction, erection or installation classification.




Code 4352 applies to employers engaged in engraving, recording master tapes, video tape duplication as well as other operations listed below.  Engraving contemplates cutting lettering or pattern on to steel or copper strips.  Steel or copper strips are coated with a solution that is resistant to etching acids used in the engraving process.  The strips of steel or copper are then treated with acids which dissolve the metal so that the lettering can be etched into the strips.  The etching is blocked and set into a press which allows the ink to raise from the paper.

Music recording studios are engaged in recording music of others.  Recording artists will pay a fee to the employer for use of the recording studio.  Employees of the employers control all electronic recording apparatus and record the music to make the master recording.  The master tape is edited in accordance to the customer’s specifications.

Video tape duplicating involves the duplicating of master tapes received from customers.  The customer provides the employer with a master video tape and requests for a specific number of copies of the tape to be made.  The employer will duplicate the tape by inserting the original tape into a tape duplicator.  Blank tapes are inserted into the video duplicating machines that transfer the images of the original tape onto the blank tape to produce the copy.  After the specified number of copies are made, the original as well as the copies of the video tape are returned to the employer’s customers.

This classification also includes hand painting of lamp bases, china, and restoration of paintings.

Assignment By Analogy

• Buttons – hand painting artwork
• Jewelry – engraving or hand enameling – metal
• Maps and charts – coloring and examining
• Name plates engraving 
• Notary or corporation engraved seals manufacturing
• Trophy cup engraving by service firm

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Players, entertainers or musicians:
    1. That dance, skate or perform acrobatic acts.  Refer to Code 9157 “Theatrical Production in Which Any Players or Entertainers Dance, Skate or Perform Acrobatic Acts – Players, Entertainers or Musicians.”
    2. That do not dance, skate or perform acrobatic acts.  Refer to Code 9159 “Theatrical Production – NOC – Players, Entertainers or Musicians.”
  2. Editing and transferring film to tapes.  Refer to Code 4360 “Motion Picture – Development of Negatives, Printing and All Subsequent Operations.”          

Excavation – NOC – All Operations to Completion & Drivers



Code 6217 applies to employers engaged in general excavation including ditch digging, burrowing, filling or backfilling.  Operations will involve the removal of earth, small boulders and rocks by power shovels, trench diggers or bulldozers and piling same at the job site for backfill.

Assignment By Analogy

• Soil – environmental remediation – spray, turn with earth moving equipment
• Debris removal – removal of debris left by a demolition contractor
• Stump removal – no street or rode construction or logging or lumbering

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Grading or excavation – in connection with street or road construction – sub-surface.  Refer to Code 5507 “Street or Road Construction – Sub-Surface Work – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  2. Mass rock excavation.  Refer to Code 5508 “Excavation – Rock – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

Excavation – Rock – All Operations to Completion & Drivers


Includes incidental quarrying or stone crushing.


Code 5508 applies to employers engaged in the excavation of mass rock for various construction projects such as highway construction, ditch lines, quarries, basement construction, and for commercial, industrial, residential and government projects.

Assignment By Analogy

• Blasting contractors – dynamite or high explosive blasting
• Geophysical exploration – seismic                       
• Oil or gas well – perforating of casing – shooting

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Street construction or erection operations.  Refer to Code 5507 “Street or Road Construction – Sub-Surface Work – All Operations to Completion & Drivers” and Code 5506 “Street or Road Construction – Paving or Repaving – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  2. Tunneling - Pneumatic or Not Pneumatic.  Refer to Code 6251 “Tunneling – All Operations to Completion.”

Executive Officers – NOC – Not Foremen, Workers or Salespersons


Code 8809 is subject to the Standard Exception Manual Rule IV – Classifications of this Manual.  This classification is not available for division of payroll.


Code 8809 applies to executive officers of a corporation who are elected or appointed in accordance with the charter or by-laws of such corporation, whose duties are of an executive, clerical or supervisory character.  Executive officers of a corporation are the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or any other appointed officer.  Any executive officer who qualifies for this classification is assigned to this classification even though the classification which describes the employer’s business includes clerical employees. 

This classification does not apply to any executive officer, who as a regular and frequent part of their duties, performs such work as is ordinarily undertaken by a foreman, worker of salesperson.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Executive officers of not-for-profit unincorporated associations.  Refer to Code 8810 “Clerical Office Employees – NOC.”

Exercise or Health Institute



Code 9055 applies to employers engaged in operating an exercise or health institute.  Customers are provided physical fitness exercise training, aerobic dance classes, cardiovascular training, and weight training.  Employers offer exercise facilities with weight rooms and exercise machines such as stationary bikes, treadmills, rowing machines, and stair climbers.  The employer may also maintain swimming pools, saunas, and/or whirlpool baths.

The employer may also offer a variety of services within the facility which, unless its operated as a distinct and separate business, are inclusive under this classification, such as tanning, massage, health restaurants and pro-shops (sports equipment and exercise apparel).

Assignment By Analogy

Martial arts instruction (contact training), judo or karate instruction

Operations To Be Separately Rated

Explosives or Ammunition Mfg. – NOC & Drivers


Includes cartridge charging or loading – all operations involving the handling of explosives or mixing of fulminate.  

Non-ratable element Statistical Code 0771 shall be assigned in conjunction with Code 4771 to reflect the non-ratable catastrophe loading.  Premium generated by the non-ratable element Statistical Code 0771 is not subject to experience or retrospective rating.


Code 4771 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing explosives or ammunition including cartridge charging or loading.  This classification also includes bag loading, black powder manufacturing, cap, primer, fuse, booster or detonator assembly, cartridge manufacturing or assembly, fireworks manufacturing, high explosives manufacturing, loading of projectiles, bombs, mines or grenades, shell case loading and smokeless powder manufacturing – single base assembly and the manufacturing of nitrate and sulphuric acid provided that the production of the particular chemical or acid goes into the making of the smokeless powder. 

By no means is it to be implied that all operations described are permissible in New York State.  Refer to New York State Law for regulations.

Assignment By Analogy

Cartridge assembly – small arms

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Dynamite or high explosives – blasting.  Refer to Code 5508 “Excavation – Rock – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”

  2. Fireworks exhibitions.  Refer to Code 9088 “Fireworks Exhibition & Drivers.”

Exterminator & Drivers



Code 9014 applies to employers engaged in pest removal, control or prevention services for residential, commercial or industrial customers.

This classification also includes the application of waterproofing material to exterior walls of foundations or subterranean structures by means of apparatus inserted in the ground.

Assignment By Analogy

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Beetle control – ground work.  Refer to Code 0005 “Nursery Employees & Drivers.”

Extract Mfg.


Includes distillation of essential oils.


Code 4628 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing dyewood, licorice, tanning, perfumery, medicinal or flavoring extracts.  This classification also includes manufacturing essential oils.
The type of manufacturing process that is included under this classification is the alcohol or heat process.  The manufacturing of extracts by the cold process is not included under this classification.

The raw ingredients received from others are flower blossoms, beans, berries, roots, herbs, fruit peels or rinds and alcohol.  Depending upon the product to be extracted, the required ingredients may be ground, crushed, pressed, cooked, steamed, percolated or distilled. 

In the case of perfumery extracts or oils, extreme care is required in the extraction of natural perfume from flower blossoms.  Extensive testing is required to obtain the proper blending proportions.  The extracts or oils are then mixed and blended for strength, consistency and color.

Also contemplated by this classification is manufacturing natural dye or tanning extracts.  Various dyewoods, vegetable barks, licorice roots, chestnut wood, sumac plants or bushes, twigs and leaves, and alcohol are received from others.  Depending upon the product to be extracted and the raw material involved, the required ingredients may be ground or chipped into small proportions.  

Assignment By Analogy

• Bottling – cleaning compounds such as soap and detergent – no manufacturing – filling bottles, cans or drums with liquid soaps  
• Malt extracts manufacturing – no bottling

Operations To Be Separately Rated

  1. Manufacturing:
    1. Detergents or soap – cake, granulated or liquid.  Refer to Code 4720 “Soap or Synthetic Detergent Mfg.”
    2. Dye – fabric, hair or shoe.  Refer to Code 4828 “Chemical Blending or Mixing – NOC – All Operations & Drivers” and Code 4829 “Chemical Mfg. – NOC – All Operations & Drivers.”
    3. Extracts – flavoring or medicinal – cold mix process.  Refer to Code 6504 “Food Sundries Mfg. – NOC – No Cereal Milling.”
    4. Incense – no manufacturing of ingredients.  Malt extract including bottling.  Perfumes – no manufacturing of ingredients.  Refer to Code 4611 “Drug, Medicine or Pharmaceutical Preparation – No Mfg. of Ingredients.”
    5. Perfumes – including manufacturing of ingredients.  Refer to Code 4825 “Drug, Medicine or Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg. – Includes Mfg. of Ingredients.”