Class Code Information
Atomic Energy – Project WorkNuclear Regulatory Commission projects are rated in accordance with the classification’s Description. Since these employers are rated on an individual employer basis, the specific details may vary considerably from employer to employer.
All work, either construction or operation, performed for or under the direction of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission or any government agency may be rated on an individual employer basis. Each employer to be so rated shall be submitted by the carrier to the Rating Board for approval of the basis agreed upon by the carrier, the contractor and the Nuclear Regulatory commission or government agency.
With respect to this classification, the rates that have been agreed upon by the carrier, the contractor and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are not subject to review or approval. The function of the Rating Board in such case, is to accept the rate and not question how it was determined other than to make sure that all parties involved have agreed to its use before extending approval. Accordingly, the negotiated rate is considered acceptable.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
Radiation exposure Not Otherwise Classified (NOC). Refer to Code 9985 “Atomic Energy – NOC – Radiation Exposure.”