Class Code Information
Food Sundries Mfg. – NOC – No Cereal MillingAll milling must be separately rated. Includes but not limited to cleaning, grinding, sorting or mixing of coffee, sugars, confections, pastry flours, spices or nuts.
Code 6504 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing a wide variety of food that is Not Otherwise Classified (NOC). This classification is not restricted to the products specified in its phraseology or this scope and includes simple preparation or packaging of already manufactured products. There can be mixing, dry grinding, cooking and blending operations.
This classification also applies to employers that manufacture food sundries that are sold to others on a wholesale basis and to employers that manufacture or process imitation dairy products such as creams, whipped toppings and sour creams.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
- Manufacturing:
- Bagel, bread, or cakes. Refer to Code 2003 “Bakery & Route Salespersons, Route Supervisors, Drivers.”
- Butter, buttermilk, cheese, or milk pasteurizing and bottling. Refer to Code 2070 “Milk Depot or Milk Dealer & Route Salespersons, Route Supervisors, Drivers.”
- Catsup, fruit dehydrating, and fruit syrup cooking and blending. Refer to Code 2112 “Fruit Evaporating or Preserving.”
- Cracker. Refer to Code 2001 “Cookie Mfg.”
- Ice cream. Refer to Code 2039 “Ice Cream Mfg. & Route Salespersons, Route Supervisors, Drivers.”
- Macaroni, manicotti, or ravioli (fresh or raw). Refer to Code 2002 “Macaroni Mfg.”