Class Code Information
Insurance Companies & Clerical, SalespersonsDescription
Code 8723 applies to employees of insurance companies including clerical office employees, inside and outside salespersons, and company premium auditors. Insurance companies include carriers or providers, both exclusive and independent agents, brokers, and ratemaking organizations. These businesses may provide coverage for individuals, businesses, or property in exchange for premium. These businesses may also bind coverage, sell policies or place coverage, develop loss costs, process claims, and collect data.
The following list is representative and is not intended to be all inclusive:
Employees common to insurance companies include actuaries, underwriters, customer service representatives, inside and outside salespersons, agents, premium auditors, inside claim adjusters, analysts, and other professional support such as lawyers, computer programmers, computer troubleshooters, accountants, managers, etc.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
- Inspectors:
Insurance appraisers, insurance examiners, and claim adjusters who work in the field. Refer to Code 8720 “Inspection of Risks for Insurance or Valuation Purposes – NOC.”
Detectives or investigators. Refer to Code 7723 “Detective or Patrol Agency & Drivers.”
- Title insurance companies:
Any contracted services, such as real estate appraisals or investigations, shall be subject to the applicable classification codes.