Class Code Information
Drug, Medicine or Pharmaceutical Preparation – No Mfg. of IngredientsApplies to compounding, blending or packing operations only.
Code 4611 and Code 4825 “Drug, Medicine or Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg. – Includes Mfg. of Ingredients,” Code 4828 “Chemical Blending or Mixing – NOC – All Operations & Drivers,” or Code 4829 “Chemical Mfg. – NOC – All Operations & Drivers” shall not be assigned to the same employer unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses.
Code 4611 applies to employers engaged in preparation of drugs, medicines and pharmaceuticals from purchased ingredients. This classification does not include manufacturing of any of the ingredients. The ingredients including other miscellaneous ingredients such as sugars, starches, oils, extracts, flavorings and colorings are purchased from outside suppliers. The purchased ingredients are mixed by hand or machine and blended according to specific formulas, provided no chemical processes are involved. Some mixtures may be blended to formula with or without heat to make certain medicine or drug preparations. Other types of preparations include the making of pills, tablets or capsules.
This classification also applies to employers engaged in manufacturing, packaging and labeling patent drugs, medicines, powders, toothpaste, shampoos, perfume, cosmetics, ointments and shaving cream, provided that no ingredients are manufactured by the employer.
This classification is also applicable to packaging and repackaging medicines, drugs and pharmaceutical preparations manufactured by others.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
- Manufacturing:
- Chemical. If conducted as a separate and distinct business from Code 4611 operations. Refer to Code 4829 “Chemical Mfg. – NOC – All Operations & Drivers.”
- Drug, medicine or pharmaceutical preparation. If conducted as a separate and distinct business from Code 4611 operations. Refer to Code 4825 “Drug, Medicine or Pharmaceutical Preparation Mfg. – Includes Mfg. of Ingredients.”
- Essential oils. Refer to Code 4628 “Extract Mfg.”
- Pharmaceutical or surgical goods such as adhesive bandages, absorbent cotton and pharmaceutical appliances. Refer to Code 4693 “Pharmaceutical or Surgical Goods Mfg. – NOC.”