Class Code Information
Office, Computing or Recording Machine Mfg. – NOCDescription
Code 3574 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing calculators, adding machines, computers, typewriters, recording machines or other types of office machines.
The manufacturing process usually involves a great deal of intricate hand assembly. The assembly work includes soldering, wiring, drilling and securing with nuts and bolts. This classification also includes stamping castings, plastic moldings, machining and manufacturing other component parts in connection to the employer’s operations.
The manufactured products are inspected and tested for quality assurance purposes before being packed and shipped to the employer’s customers.
Assignment by Analogy
- Automatic teller machines (ATM)
- Jukeboxes – computer peripheral
- Meters
- Electric meters – measuring usage – repairing and testing in shop
- Gas meters – including repair in shop
- Parking meters
- Postage meters
- Slot machines – casino type – not vending type
- Stamp vending machines – postage machines
- Video arcade game machines
- Voting machines
- Wagering machines
Operations to be Separately Rated
Office machines or computer devices installation, inspection, service, adjustment or repair including shop operations. Voting machines erection, storage, dismantling, repairing and maintenance. Refer to Code 5191 “Office Machine Installation, Inspection, Adjustment or Repair.”
Tape recorder manufacturing. Refer to Code 3681 “Television, Radio, Telephone or Telecommunication Device Mfg. – NOC.”