Class Code Information
Contractor – Executive Supervisor, Construction Executive, Construction Manager, Construction Superintendent or Project ManagerWhen terms such as “all employees,” “all other employees,” “all operations,” and “all operations to completion” appear in the phraseology of a construction or erection operation applicable to an employer, Code 5606 may be assigned to those employees who are otherwise qualified to be assigned to Code 5606.
Code 5606 applies to executive supervisors, construction executives, construction managers, construction superintendents or project managers having administrative or managerial responsibility for construction or erection projects.
The executive supervisor, construction executive, construction manager, construction superintendent or project manager will spend some time in the office and the remainder of time visiting various job sites conferring with the job superintendent or foreperson to keep track of the progress of the work being conducted at each job or project.
To qualify for this classification these individuals are defined as those persons exercising supervisory control through job superintendents or foremen.
- This classification does not apply to any person who is directly in charge of construction work such as a superintendent or foremen or any person that is engaged in actual construction or erection work. The applicable construction or erection classification(s) shall be applied.
- When actual construction or erection work is given to or placed with subcontractors that have their own supervisor or foremen on their payroll, the executive supervisor or construction executive of the general contractor shall be subject to this classification provided they meet the above criteria.
- Separately rate an executive officer of a corporation who performs the duties of an executive supervisor as Code 8809 “Executive Officers – NOC – Not Foremen, Workers or Salespersons” provided that such executive officer does not otherwise regularly and frequently perform the duties of a foreman, worker or outside salesperson.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
Superintendent or foreman of a construction or erection job. Assign the governing classification of the job site.