Class Code Information
Fruit Juice Mfg. – All OperationsIncludes incidental fruit preserving or bottling. No bottling of carbonated liquids.
Code 2143 applies to employers engaged in manufacturing or processing fruit juices. The operations include cleaning, crushing and pressing fruits, and extracting the juice by mechanical processes. The extracted juice may be bottled as is or water, sugar, and preservatives may be added.
This classification also applies to manufacturing cider and vinegar. The cider, and vinegar may be bottled, labeled, and packaged under this classification or may be filled into barrels and shipped to outside bottlers.
Assignment by Analogy
• Champagne
• Winery – All Operations
Operations to be Separately Rated
Carbonated beverage manufacturing including bottling or bottling of spirituous liquor. Refer to Code 2157 “Bottling – NOC & Drivers.”
Farm operations Not Otherwise Classified (NOC). Refer to Code 0006 “Farm – NOC & Drivers.”
Blending, bottling of wine or carbonating wine that has been manufactured by others. Refer to Code 2157 “Bottling – NOC & Drivers.”
Vineyard operations. Refer to Code 0031 “Vegetable, Berry or Grape Farm & Drivers.”