Class Code Information
Smelting – Electric ProcessDescription
Code 1439 applies to employers engaged in refining ferrous and non-ferrous metals either from raw ores, ores that have been milled or from scrap metals, coke, coal, quartz, limestone, silica bearing sand, bauxite, corundum, carbon, zirconium, and other materials, and manufacturing of carborundum, artificial carbon or graphite, using the electric process. Electric furnaces can exceed 3000E. This classification includes preparation, the fusion of the raw materials at these extremely high temperatures as well as any subsequent processing by machining, crushing grinding, pulverizing or other sizing the product may require.
Raw materials can be crushed or otherwise processed, fed into an electric furnace and melted down. Molten material can be poured into ingots, cooled and processed further by grinding and mixing with other ingredients before reheating. Raw materials can also be placed in a trench mold lined with fire brick and an electrode at each end. The current passes through the mold and fuses the material within. Any other processing required to produce an end product can also be performed.
Assignment by Analogy
Abrasives - calcium carbide and silicon carbide
Operations to be Separately Rated
- Manufacturing:
- Blast furnace operations:
- Ore milling by crushing, concentration or amalgamation. Refer to Code 1452 “Ore Milling & Drivers.”
- Reclaiming lead in the process of smelting, sintering or refining metals in any form or quantity. Refer to Code 1430 “Smelting, Sintering or Refining Lead & Drivers.”
- Steel making in electric or open-hearth furnaces and the Bessemer or crucible process. Refer to Code 3004 “Iron or Steel Mfg. – Steelmaking & Drivers.”