Class Code Information
Smelting, Sintering or Refining – NOC – Metals – Not Iron or Lead & DriversCode 1452 “Ore Milling & Drivers,” Code 1430 “Smelting, Sintering or Refining Lead & Drivers,” and Code 1438 shall not be assigned to the same risk unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses.
Code 1438 applies to employers engaged in extraction of non-ferrous metal from ore or ore concentrates. This normally begins with the receiving and stockpiling of ore followed by crushing, washing and screening. There may be various steps of milling, concentration or amalgamation preparatory to the sintering of the ore. The sintering is undertaken in rotary kilns or other types of furnaces. This may be followed by crushing the sintered ore preparatory to the actual smelting or reduction process. The molten metal that results is then cast into ingots. In many cases, small amount of impurities may be removed by further refining in a furnace. Modern technology involves refinements in the basic extraction of metals. For example, acid or caustic leaching are common in the extraction of metals such as aluminum or uranium while other metals such as copper or manganese may involve electrolysis as a part of the process. These variations are considered to be within the scope of this classification.
This classification additionally contemplates porcelain frit or steel grit manufacturing.
Assignment by Analogy
No InformationOperations to be Separately Rated
- Manufacturing:
- Coke. Refer to Code 1470 “Alcohol Mfg. – Wood & Drivers.”
- Solder:
Furnace erection. Refer to Code 5057 “Iron or Steel Erection – NOC – All Operations to Completion.”
Mining. Refer to Code 1624 “Quarry – NOC & Drivers” or Code 1170 “Mining – NOC – With Shafts, Tunnels or Drifts & Drivers.”
Ore milling by crushing, concentration or amalgamation. Refer to Code 1452 “Ore Milling & Drivers.”
Quarrying. Refer to Code 1624 “Quarry – NOC & Drivers.”
Reclaiming lead in the process of smelting, sintering or refining etals in any form or quantity. Refer to Code 1430 “Smelting, Sintering or Refining Lead & Drivers.”
Slag excavation and crushing. Refer to Code 4000 “Sand or Gravel Digging & Drivers.”
Smelting by an electric process (no blast furnace) to produce carborundum, artificial carbon or graphite, (using coke and other ingredients), or other electric furnace products. Refer to Code 1439 “Smelting – Electric Process.”
Smelting, sintering or refining lead. Refer to Code 1430 “Smelting, Sintering or Refining Lead & Drivers.”
Steel making in electric or open-hearth furnaces and the Bessemer or crucible process. Refer to Code 3004 “Iron or Steel Mfg. – Steelmaking & Drivers.”