Class Code Information
Landscape Gardening – All Operations to Completion & DriversCode 0042 and Code 9102 “Park – NOC – All Employees & Drivers” shall not be assigned to the same risk unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses.
Code 0042 applies to employers engaged in planting or care of lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs, flowers, and landscaping or other similar operations at the premises of the customer.
This classification includes grass cutting, weed control, lawn spraying, laying out grounds, tree spraying, or fumigating.
The on-grade construction of walkways, patios, and retaining walls using dry laid segmental blocks and pavers as part of a landscaping project is also included.
When planting at customers’ sites, this classification includes the preparation of the ground (but not preliminary clearing or grading) plus the replacement of rocks for rock gardens and railroad ties to prevent soil erosion, and the placing of stones, wood chips, and similar materials on the ground after planting.
This classification also includes silviculture operations such as brush clearing, planting of seedlings or transplants, cleaning, weeding or improvement cutting for the purpose of promoting the growth of remaining trees.
Clearing the existing right of way exclusively by a contractor is assignable to this classification.
This classification also applies in connection with street or road construction operations such as sodding, seeding, planting, and similar landscaping work necessary for the beautification of roadsides and includes drivers.
Assignment by Analogy
• Domestic Service Contractor – outside
• Beach Combing
• Surface dressing, seeding, sodding or planting in connection with dam construction operations
• Tennis Courts – maintaining grass courts
Operations to be Separately Rated
Clearing or grading of land or excavation and removing tree stumps. Refer to Code 6217 “Excavation – NOC – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”
Street or road construction – work such as grading shoulders, setting guard rails, building drainage ditches and all other operations incidental to street or road construction. Refer to Code 5506 “Street or Road Construction – Paving or Repaving – All Operations to Completion & Drivers” or Code 5507 “Street or Road Construction – Sub-Surface Work – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”
Growing flowers or plants in greenhouses. Refer to Code 0035 “Florist – Cultivating or Gardening & Drivers.”
Tree surgery, pruning, repairing or trimming operations at customers’ premises. Refer to Code 0106 “Tree Pruning, Repairing or Trimming – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”
Building garden walls or walks from brick, concrete blocks or stone. Refer to Code 5022 “Masonry – NOC – All Operations to Completion.”
Pouring cement for walkways or garden edging. Refer to Code 5221 “Concrete or Cement Work – Floors, Driveways, Yards or Sidewalks – All Operations to Completion & Drivers.”
Growing of bushes, trees and shrubs including incidental landscaping operations. Refer to Code 0005 “Nursery Employees & Drivers.”
Carpentry – building decks, planters, benches, etc. Refer to Code 5403 “Carpentry – NOC – All Operations to Completion.”
Logging or lumbering. Refer to Code 2702 “Logging or Lumbering & Drivers.”
Municipalities only – landscaping maintenance along parkways. Refer to Code 9102 “Park – NOC – All Employees & Drivers.”